08 September

When You Get to the Nitty Gritty...

 If you've been living as a hermit due to the manipulation and deceit on which the sociopolitical landscape's drama operates, karma will feed that to you until you figure it out.

This will come after you've blown some pretty big beliefs. Hence, the people that can reflect you won't be from there BUT there's an element of lingering suspicion you're going to have to tackle.

Karma can't bring you the level of "badness" you experienced before you began the experiences of your exploration of what's what - i.e. the experiences of her unwavering power and authority over the operational aspects of reality. But what she can do is arrange experiences that can trigger habitual suspicion. 

With regard to other people:

The burden of being trusted is too great for human beings to carry but this is one of the scenarios in which karma shines. 

The old, dualistic ways of trusting/not trusting and depending on/being let down by other human beings is going to continue to come up until one reaches a point they become irrelevant which will be when you shift your ideas of trust from others - i.e. humans who aren't up to the task - to karma. Which is 100% reliable if you look at it and give it some serious, conscious consideration.

As long as you try to continue functioning as if trusting someone - anyone - is relevant, it will continue to come up. And not because you'll be lied to but because scenarios will gather around your suspicion, in support of it.

When you're suspicious, there's only one target for suspicion. Karma. 

Suspicion - like all dips in the feeling of well being - can only come from forgetting and the only way to stop them, in the moment, is by raising the level of well being to remembering - and the only way to eliminate them is by following up the remembering of the nature of karma by observing and experiencing her amazing rearrangements of scenarios by moving out of forgetting gear and into remembering gear - i.e. moving into boots-on-the-ground, first-person, hands-on experience.

Avoidance will not get the job done but playing with it can result in such amazing things...it is nothing to worry about.