01 August

I Was Wrong

What's feeding the horrors of the world isn't any sort of fear of taking responsibility for one's choices. It's pride.

Evolution isn't skipping anybody. People attack each other and throw each other under the bus to protect their pride. And they know it and think it doesn't matter or that it's a good thing.

Most human beings, it would seem, would rather, either keep a cure for a disease to themselves and their own use (or simply demonize or otherwise convince people it isn't what it is) and let others die around them - including their own "loved ones" - than ever say or do anything that might be inferred or interpreted as them being wrong and someone they don't like being "right" about something.

Most also actually believe - or believe in spreading the idea - that they get back what they put out, tenfold. But that isn't the case. The ratio isn't, nor has it everbeen 1:10. It is - and always has been - 1:1. 

It isn't that this civilization is getting back ten times worse than it's putting out. It's that, in maintaining that sociopolitically-acceptable idea, they can pretend that what they're putting out isn't, in actuality, ten times worse (or better) than a sociopolitically-corrupt population - and they themselves - are willing to admit.

Many people want to see those who want nothing more than to relieve suffering, suffer. And they want to see them suffer so bad that they're willing to throw the well-being of the whole world - including their own children - under the bus in an effort to make that suffering happen. Why? Because they can't take credit for what such people are doing.

Human pride is a nasty character and the source of the hot human mess of karma man is suffering right now. It doesn't dare do or say anything that could be interpreted as its possessor being wrong and someone that possessor hates being right. Individuals would rather see the world fall to rubble than risk their pride. It's what they're taught and that which they believe is okay for no other reason than it appearing to them that it's what everyone is doing.

It's neither fear nor anger nor avoidance that is feeding this civilization's final storm. The core of the matter is just plain old pride.

And it's so bad that such a world is wracked with hatred for anyone who doesn't fit the template and speak for the one and only purpose of being credited for what they say. Alleviate suffering? Forget about it. Most human beings couldn't care less about such things. It doesn't matter what it is. If they can't take credit for it, they're going to step on anyone with a genuine interest in or some actual understanding of such things - and do whatever they can to grind such individuals to dust.

It's heartbreaking - the lengths to which an entire city of human beings went to rid itself of a single individual - heartbreaking and astonishing. Culpability be damned.

Salt Lake City transformed itself into one of the crowned jewels of "modern medicine". All for the purpose of getting rid of one man. A man who dared to actually cure and audaciously teach a huge parade of people how to cure themselves - for pennies or, often, for nothing whatsoever but his personal quest to relieve the suffering of others. Often those who couldn't afford "modern medicine" but also those who could, but got tired of its constant failure and the expense of having to pay anyway - and of being sent home to put their affairs in order before what they'd been told would be their fast-approaching impending death.

Salt Lake City isn't alone. Individuals happily do the same - even to friends and family members - having been taught/scammed into believing that to do other than take what marketing was telling them was a threat to their pride as gospel and to use such antiquated methods to cure themselves, despite their efficacy, even as man's knowledge of such things was being outlawed and buried under the auspices of pride-promoting marketing was a threat to their pride - and the public ate it up. Just like the Germans ate up Hitler's ideas.

Such a civilization cannot survive its own karma. Like all civilizations before it, it is subject to the 1:1 nature of the immutable law of karma.

You are not getting back ten times the corruption you're putting out as some sort of punishment. You're simply getting - as you always have - the universe's perfect 1:1 response to your very nature, in any given moment - in the form of your very own reflection. Good or bad.