14 July

You don't need to know the details of anything. In fact, you can't.


Everything man thinks he "knows" about physics is based solely and only on the variables he can see and how he measures them. Which basically adds up to "not much". If anything.

Reality doesn't work the way we think it does.

People who are not of a vibration that is sympathetic to your own - i.e. people karma can't use to reflect you back to yourself - are repelled when they're in such a state and move away from you and you from them and do not even realize it so, no "social" interaction necessary and no hard feelings.

Understand that karma has the whole of reality (including things man would consider less-than-real/physical) at her fingertips and, if you are aware of it, you will recognize the results of her work. Initially, you may attribute those workings to "coincidence" but, as they add up, you'll be able to see them more clearly and perceive more about what's actually happening. But not enough to call any idea you might have about what's going on a "law".

If you can refrain from "calling back" or following annoyances as they move away from you, the roller-coaster of emotion will level out and you'll see things more clearly. The up and down of emotion is created by you. Either by calling people back or following them when they move away from you which comes from obsessing or worrying about them and, yes, even by consciously avoiding them. If you don't trust or you object to what karma is doing, you will move right back into the roller coaster of being at peace with her one minute and being at odds with her the next.

Not to worry! All things have their own moments which you can change in a flash. You - as well as karma - can turn on a dime. You can change your life in an instant. Literally. If you're paying attention to yourSELF, rather than "the other guy" (whom you can't even actually see clearly) and you won't get hung up in the old view of thinking others can affect you - or in whatever you think the details are or what they mean - which is a waste of time anyway. 

You cannot even know what the details are. You can't even see most of the variables in the flow of the logistics involved in karma, as she arranges things and moves them around. 

It's not "magic". It's physics. Physics that is constantly in play, in all given moments, and of which you are merely an observer and responder and, the only aspect over which you can have any control is your own responses to - and thereby your "feelings" about - what you're creating with your response to what can only be the a result of a previous response to a previous result of a prior response and so on and so forth. 

Your response to what you've wrought creates your experience. Your "feelings" merely tell you in which direction your thoughts are moving - i.e. if you're not happy and you dig your heels in, then you are, personally, and literally, moving in a direction you do not want to go and, toward something you do not want to experience. 

Karma is not telling you what to do or giving you signs or tips. You decide what you do next. Karma merely backs up your decision. If she moves you out of the path of a moving car, she won't mess around with trying to convince you to more. She'll simply move you. You'll think you moved yourself but won't understand how or why you would.

Karma is not your mother. She will not give you anything you're not literally asking for and the direction you choose to move - your response to the results your very own previous responses have wrought - that's your "asking". Followed by your receiving what you've asked for.

Karma will not stop you from jumping off a cliff. She will simply jump right along with you. She really is your BFF. Or, perhaps, what your mother may have considered "a bad influence".

Nobody can move things but karma and nobody can navigate your karma but you. 

Nobody knows you like karma knows you. Which knows you intimately. Better, even, than you know yourself.