20 July

There's Nothing "Out There" But Karma

 And that includes everything you hear and see of what everyone else - including the dogs - are doing.

If anything is unpleasant, laugh at yourself for projecting your own unpleasant attitude outward and toward her and getting it right back.

The only thing one can do to "help" the world, at this point, is to create and expand one's own bubble of being at peace with karma. 

Just mind your own business and soak it all in every once in a while.

Your karma extends as far as you care to look. Even to as far as the eye can see. 

It's all yours and those who don't fit the flavor or care to have such peace for themselves will be repelled by such bubbles, naturally.

Even just one person can nudge unpleasantness outward and it would take very few overlapping bubbles to back unpleasantness into its own little bubbles.

To make peace with karma is to make peace with God. 

Karma is The Way of creation - The Tao of it.

God didn't just make a big, random, chaotic ball of creation. He's not an idiot. He made it self-governing. 

As far back as always was and as far forward as always will be.