24 June

The Beauty of Karma

Even with the monetization of his own well-being, man, holding a free cure for disease in his hot little hands, wouldn't use it. If it doesn't cost money or otherwise require sacrifice, it is presumed "rubbish" by the corrupt and karma wins.

Karma wins. Every time. No exceptions.

Difficult to watch when it's someone you "love" but if you can't respect their freedom to choose and capacity to learn for themselves, how can such outright rejection of such a fundamental aspect of another's very existence be called "love"?

The beauty of karma is that, while one can't dictate karma to another, nor can they dictate karma to you. Hence, all of the pushing and fighting of those who believe they're defending themselves is actually creating the very threats from which they believe they need protection. The more they push, the more their reflection pushes back. It's like begging karma to hurt you. And karma has the whole of creation at her fingertips - meaning she can push from any direction so, if you try to turn and run, you'll run right into her.

Puts a whole new level of wisdom in the old saying, "take your licks". It really is the best thing you can do. And if you can do it with the respect she deserves while being fully aware you're playing dodge ball with karma? All the better! 

If you can play and cultivate a sense of humor with regard to being the "wrong" one and constantly losing? She'll begin showing you what's what before you incur a debt that's bigger than you want to deal with - which is something you can't learn from or otherwise be taught by mere mortals. 

Karma games are only ever between you and her and, when consciously playing them, you're in a magical realm where you can fully expect to experience her as a conscious being. Which is an actual range at the very top of the scale of your list of choices. A range of that scale known as "the-most-fun-a-human-being-can-have".

If you're not having fun, either your assumptions are so solid you call it "knowledge" or your hanging onto your self-righteousness too tightly. 

It's basically a game of questioning your beliefs and ditching your pride. If you can do that without crying, then you will enter the realm and be at the beginning of a full-blown and conscious exploration of reality where discovery is common and expands, exponentially! 

This is where awe lives. You can't be awed when you're proud nor when you're certain you know what's what. That's the bottom of the scale. Where all the pain is. The range known as "no fun". You want the other end of the scale. And you want to get there without actually dying. You want to get it - and in the same shoes you were wearing when you lost it. You want to get there without dying. That was your intention when you came here. And if you don't get there this time, it will be your intention the next time you're "in town".